
At Oulton Academy, homework refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons.

Homework activities vary significantly, particularly between younger and older pupils, including but not limited to home reading activities, longer projects or essays and more directed and focused work such as revision for tests.

Our definition also includes activities such as ‘homework clubs’ where pupils have the opportunity to complete homework in school but outside normal school hours, and â€‹‘flipped learning’ models, where pupils prepare at home for classroom discussion and application tasks.

Pupils eligible for free school meals typically receive additional benefits from homework. However, surveys in England suggest that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to have a quiet working space, are less likely to have access to a device suitable for learning or a stable internet connection and may receive less parental support to complete homework and develop effective learning habits.

These difficulties may increase the gap in attainment for disadvantaged pupils. Homework clubs can help to overcome these barriers by offering pupils the resources and support needed to undertake homework or revision. 

At Oulton Academy Key Stage 3 students (Year 7, 8 and 9) are set homework every week for core subjects, and on a rotation for all other subjects. Each piece should take the student 30 minutes. In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11) students are set homework in every subject, every week. Each piece should take the student 1 hour.



Here are 7 tips to help you get your homework completed successfully:

  1. Create a purposeful environment. Ensure you have an ideal space to complete your homework, big enough to put your books and resources, away from mess and distractions. Ensure all you work is organised, this will help you feel more prepared and able to get things done properly.
  2. Make a plan write down what homework or revision you need to do in a week as well as all of the other things you do every day – like spending time with friends or tidying up. You can then make a plan of what you need to do and when.
  3. Do a bit at a time take regular breaks to help you focus, for example you could work for 30 minutes and then take 10 minutes to do something else. Make sure you take time to eat healthily and exercise.
  4. Use revision tools try using tools such as GCSE mind maps to help understand course content. You could also try writing things you want to remember on post-it notes and stick them on things where you live, like a door, wall or fridge, so you’ll see them every time you walk past.
  5. Remove the distractions put your phone somewhere else and make sure the TV is off so that you’re not tempted to do something else when you’re doing homework or revision.
  6. Think about what’s helped before if you’ve taken exams before, write down what helped you revise and what you found difficult. For each thing you found difficult, try and think of what you could do differently.
  7. Ask for help if you’re struggling It can be tough trying to catch up when you feel like you’re falling behind. Asking for help at school or from an adult you trust means that they can be there to give you support.