
Pupil Premium & Year 7 Catch Up

All members of staff and the academy advisory body accept responsibility for disadvantaged pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring and supportive environment.

Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011 to provide additional support for Children in Care and those from low-income families. The additional funding was to help schools diminish the difference in outcomes that exists between pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those from non-disadvantaged backgrounds.

At Oulton we believe in the importance of ensuring that all pupils leave each Key Stage with the skills and attributes necessary to be successful in the next stage of their education. Therefore, the pupil premium funding is put towards supporting Pupil Premium students with all aspects of their learning and social development which will help them achieve this target. In addition, this year, Oulton has received recovery Pupil Premium funding to provide additional funding for the 2022 to 2023 academic year. This funding will help Oulton to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils. Please see the Pupil premium statement below.

At Oulton we emphasise support for core subjects, as without skills, knowledge, and expertise in the core subjects there would be further barriers to students accessing the full curriculum. At Oulton we believe that early identification of children’s needs is paramount and, with guidance from the Pupil Premium Leader, the Inclusion Leader, the SENCo and Subject Leaders, teachers are required to consider all learning needs those students in receipt of Pupil Premium may have. As a team we implement quality first teaching strategies and interventions to meet these needs. Our strategies are monitored by the Pupil Premium Steering Group (Mrs. L Sims, Mr. R Howell, Mr. N Carolan, Mr. T Hodgins, Mr. T Long) who meet termly to review the impact of these strategies from which adjustments are made accordingly. The strategy and resulting impacts are quality assured annually by an external Pupil Premium specialist.