
Alternative Provision

For a small number of our KS3 and KS4 students for whom mainstream education is not appropriate, either in the short or longer term, an alternative curriculum in our on-site Pathways Centre and off-site Alternative Provision is provided.

Pathways is located on-site and provides an individualised program of study aimed at reintegrating students back into full time mainstream lessons as swiftly as appropriate. Students follow the core curriculum along side targeted interventions. There is a core team of well trained staff working daily with students as well as subject specialists who deliver curriculum lessons throughout the week.

Alternative Provision is also available and is located off-site and provides a full curriculum for our students. Students can study the full range of GCSE and BTEC subjects, and participate in targeted interventions aimed to develop wellbeing, taking responsibility and making good choices. The goal is that students will be reintegrated partly or fully into our mainstream setting, or where this is not appropriate, that they will still go on to succeed in their exams and post Year 11.

All of the Alternative Provisions used by Oulton Academy have either a UKPRN and are registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers, a URN or a DfE Number.


Footsteps (Cockburn John Charles Academy)

Website - www.cockburnjohncharles.orgOfsted Information

Southway (Rodillian Multi Academy Trust)

Ofsted Information

The Elland Academy (Delta Academies Trust)

Website -

Ofsted Information

Hunslet Club

Website -

For more information about our Alternative Provisions, please contact Miss Sims.

0113 205 9559