Mr C. Williams

Assistant Principal SENDCo

Mr C. Williams

I joined the academy in September 2020 as a middle leader aspiring to the role of SENDCo. Since then, I have worked diligently towards that ambition, achieving my NASENCO qualification in the process. 

My career has spanned both mainstream and specialist educational settings and this knowledge base has nurtured and developed my own understanding of a child’s right to an education and I passionately believe that all pupils have a right and a responsibility to their education. 

As SENDCo I drive the inclusive education of pupils with SEND at Oulton Academy and have the pleasure of working with some of the most vulnerable pupils in our community. I take on this responsibility with pride and I am confident in the staff across the academy upholding our academy values. 

I strive to achieve the very best provision we can offer whilst meeting the rigorous academic standards required for pupils to progress, supporting and refining our culture of excellence and instilling person-centred, high-quality education for our most vulnerable students. This includes providing bespoke and specialist training for a range of staff, so they have all the tools available to support our pupils' needs.