


At Oulton Academy the curriculum intent is focused on providing our students with an accessible and enjoyable education which ensures they are: academically successful, life-long learners, and have the opportunity to benefit from a multitude of rich experiences.  The Dance department’s vision is ‘To inspire young people to be creative, expressive and confident through dance’. Students are encouraged to identify and demonstrate knowledge of how dance will develop aesthetic appreciation in addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Their teachers ensure they have an excellent educational experience in lessons through teaching the modules of performance, choreography and the appreciation and acceptance of diverse physical, spiritual and cultural fields of dance. This vision is instilled through an imaginative and stimulating Dance curriculum that provides all students with an outstanding range of opportunities to participate and in a variety of dance styles building confidence, commitment, resilience and creativity. The provision of a vast and broad dance curriculum will support students in the next stage of their education, training or employment.


Our curriculum is organised in such a way that provides our students with the opportunity to learn expected behaviours and be successful in their learning such as independence, resilience, motivation and determination.  Our strategic intent is:

We strive to create a curriculum which:

  • Provides a diversity of powerful knowledge, which over time, cumulatively builds to provide the love of dance that enables students to continue appreciate and continue dance after school.
  • Enables all students to enjoy learning and experience success.
  • Takes into account individual needs.
  • Creates a culture of high expectation and aspiration to raise standards of attainment and progress.
  • Develops confident and responsible individuals who can make a positive contribution to society and live safely and independently.

The curriculum is shaped this way in order to meet the needs of the many. It allows students access to a variety of dance styles that are very important for individuality in performance, along with providing a base for continued activity throughout life in the style that is most suited to them. The qualification aspect of the curriculum will ensure students are also developing an understanding the artistic and production side of dance, which will give them a knowledge base for show and production development. Students take part in a number of solo performances allowing the school values of self-confidence, resilience, motivation, leadership, reflection and respect to be at the forefront of the Dance curriculum. Performing to peers and other years groups empowers students and develops resilience. Potential barriers to learning are catered for by a number of different support systems including intervention, peer on peer support over theory and practical aspects of the course and through revision and study sessions.

Our dance curriculum supports embedding the British Values throughout the Academy. Students demonstrated Individual Liberty through their choice in movement style and choreographic intent in performance. Students show Tolerance of other Faith and Beliefs by experiencing a range of cultural dance styles. They demonstrate Mutual Respect when being part of an audience and supporting their fellow dancers.

From day one in year 7 students, need to take responsibility for their organisation, show resilience when taking part in activities they may not enjoy. These key values are consistently part of the Dance curriculum and link to ideas such as constantly learning and improving as the challenge and difficulty of styles increases.

Throughout the GCSE qualification, the values are again required due to the nature of the course. Resilience and responsibility are required when preparing for examined areas of the course, and the preparation that goes with that, along with the independent skills required when completing controlled coursework tasks. Respect is also required throughout the course in the sense that this will contribute to a positive learning environment and therefore the students will be comfortable to join with group discussions, Q&A sessions along with following the correct procedures for completing fitness tests, practice exam papers and completing coursework. All of these aspects are key to lifelong learning and are skills that students will take with them beyond the academy.


Key Stage 3

Y7/8 students will be taught a variety of different dance styles to develop some key ideas, skills and expression. Along with this, students will begin to gain an insight into some of the key dance terms regarding skill groups (physical, expressive and technical skills).

At KS3, students are taught and assessed in a range of technical skills and styles including Street, Lindy Hop, Bhangra and Disco, They also complete activities to develop the understanding of dance structure and choreographic skills:

  • Basic acquisition and replication of physical skills in performance
  • The understanding of technical skills in performance (Action, Space, Dynamics and Relationships).
  • Stimulus work
  • Expressing to an audience
  • Health and safety 
  • Principles of performance
  • Structure and form
  • ICT in Dance
  • Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills within a variety of contexts
  • Replication of important actions or phrases
  • Refinement and analysis of their own/others work
  • Leadership skills
  • Understanding of the benefits of dance and how the body responds as a tool for performance art

Key Stage 4

Year 9 will be a key year for GCSE Dance with students completing a high percentage of the practical aspects of non-examined coursework. They will complete choreographies developed by teaching staff as well as a variety of workshops covering styles demonstrated in the professional dance works.

Y10/11 will see the stimulus based choreography task completed, along with a focus on the theoretical aspect of the course covering the structure and knowledge needed for the theory paper.

At KS4 students study AQA GCSE Dance. This incorporates performance, choreography and dance appreciation. Each aspect is crucial as a medium for developing a rounded and broad scaffold for dance and will promote the importance of students being healthy and active. It is also a great medium for helping to relieve stress, and develop a love of dance for life beyond the Academy. Mental health aspects are also covered in terms of psychological factors that can influence performance and participation (e.g. confidence, commitment, movement memory and concentration). This qualification will develop a variety of skills, including independent learning, research, working as a group, producing a variety of coursework styles including presentations, posters, written reports in addition to practical coursework.

Further Information

If you require more detailed information, please email the Subject Leader. Miss Brunyee:

KS4 - GCSE Dance


What will I be studying?

Practical components

Component 1

Performance - The performance task is marked out of 40 marks. Each student must complete both parts of the task, a solo performance and a duet/group performance.​

Solo – Two from four set choreographies designed by AQA that are 30 seconds long​.

Performance – Solo or duet choreographed by either the students or Oulton academy staff.

Component 2

Choreography - The choreography task is marked out of 40 marks. Students must demonstrate their creative response to a choice of one stimulus, from a prescribed task list set by AQA. The choreography must be a complete dance, including movement material and a selected aural setting.​

Theoretical Components

Component 3

Written exam (40% of final grade) – This is set in the summer of the year of certification. Students must demonstrate their appreciation of Dance through a number of different exam techniques including reflective practice and analyse of professional dance works;

  • A Linha Curva
  • Artificial Things
  • Emancipation of Expressionism
  • Infra
  • Shadows
  • Within Her Eyes
  • Career Links
  • Dance Therapist
  • Choreographer
  • Stage Management
  • Dance Writer
  • Creative Movement Therapist

How will I be assessed?

Students practical assessment and will be assessed internally by Oulton Academy staff against exam board criteria. This will then be moderated externally by AQA staff.

Students theoretical assessment will be externally moderated by AQA staff.

Which examination board am I following?

AQA GCSE Dance (8236)

Which websites should I use to support my learning?