Welfare and First Aid

Oulton Academy offers an inclusive community that welcomes and supports students with medical conditions. We provide all students with medical conditions the same opportunities as other students to enjoy a full and active role in academy life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

We provide daily support of students struggling with minor illnesses and ailments, as well as caring for long-term medical conditions through the development of Individual Healthcare Plans and Personal Risk Assessment.

All student’s health records including details of more serious conditions and allergies are recorded and held securely so that the information is readily available to staff should an incident occur. It is very important that parent/carers keep the academy informed of any changes to their child’s medical condition and provide medical evidence as required.

First Aid Provision

We have a team of qualified first aiders responsible for administering treatment to students, as well as a fully stocked medical room situated on the central corridor of the academy. If students feel unwell during lessons and there is a genuine reason, then they will be allowed to visit the medical room. The Medical and Welfare Officer will provide first Aid, advice and take observations in the first instance, before encouraging students to return to class. If a student needs to be sent home due to illness this must be authorised between Medical, Attendance and Safeguarding officers. Students are not allowed to sign themselves out without appropriate permission and should not contact their parents themselves to ask to be picked up. First aiders in school cannot diagnose medical conditions but are trained to assess that a student is fit enough to attend lessons. Should this not be the case then it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to take over immediate care of the student. It is the individual student’s responsibility to report to parent/carers if they have felt, become unwell, or suffered a minor injury during the day, unless otherwise indicated in the policy.

Parents/carers will not be informed if the student has a minor complaint whilst at school such as:

  • Cuts/grazes that do not require professional attention
  • A sprain/strain to ligaments muscles where the student confirms that the initially reported pain has stopped and physical movement is not visibly hampered.
  • A headache that goes away
  • Period pains

Parents/carers or secondary contacts listed on SIMS will be contacted should a student:

  • Need to attend hospital
  • If an ambulance is called
  • Has a suspected contagious rash
  • Has been stung/bitten by an insect
  • Has had an injury to the head
  • Appear to be unfit to continue their day in school
  • Have an existing health care plan in place and is feeling unwell
  • If the injury is deemed non-accidental

Administration of Medication

A Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine consent form must be completed, signed and returned to the academy before any medication can be kept and administered in school.

Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine

Medication can only be administered in school if it has been handed in its original container and is clearly labelled with dose frequency, guidance and an expiry date.

Where ever possible medication should be given at home, however we can administer medication after 10:30am if accompanied by a completed parental agreement form.

The only non-prescription pain relief that the Medical and Welfare Officer is permitted to administer is Paracetamol in the event of a student having a minor medical ailment such as a headache/sore throat. We must have already received permission from parents/carers for this and it will only be accessible to students during break and lunchtimes.

Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes and Epilepsy

Please let us know if your child has any allergies, asthma, diabetes or epilepsy. If possible, please provide a copy of your child’s corresponding treatment plan from the hospital.

If your child requires medication, such as antihistamines, adrenaline auto-injectors, inhalers, insulin or anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) you must ensure that we have spares in school.

Please bring all medication and documentation to the academy as we will require the completion of a Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine form and create an Individual Healthcare Plan.


Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine

Further Information

The academies Medical and Welfare Officer Terence Forrest is responsible for the implementation of the Medical Policy at Oulton Academy.

Useful Documents

First Aid PolicyOulton Academy Supporting Pupils with Medication

Useful Links

The NHS Uk provides a complete guide to all health conditions, symptoms and treatments including what to do and where to get help.





